
Izami Florist/ Bloemiste

How to Care for Hanging Basket Flowers

10 Heat-Tolerant Plants That Will Survive (and Thrive) This Summer


 – Also known as Egyptian star flower, this annual can handle the heat because it’s native to Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar. They bloom best in full sun and come in an array of colors such as pink, white, lavender, and red.Varieties to try: Sunstar Red, Gliteratti Purple Star

– This hardy annual, also called flossflower due to its fringed petals, flowers all season long without your having to deadhead, or remove spent blooms. Pollinators love it, and it will bloom all the way to frost with almost no care from you.Varieties to try: Blue Mink, Hawaii Blue
 – This perennial, also called beardtongue, has tubular-shaped flowers in pink, red, or purple tones and pretty foliage with a burgundy tint. It attracts hummingbirds and bees, too! Some types may self-sow, so you’ll have more in coming years.Varieties to try: Midnight Masquerade, Red Riding Hood
 – Begonias come in an array of colors and sizes; some tolerate full sun, while others prefer mostly shade. Read the plant tag or description to make sure what type you have. These annuals will take the heat, but they need to be strong and healthy so keep them watered, especially in the hottest part of the summer. They work equally well in pots or beds.Varieties to try: Funky Orange, Dragon Wing Red
 – This succulent is tolerant of dry and hot conditions, which is why it’s also a popular choice for rock gardens. It’s a great alternative to grass or other types of groundcovers if you’re looking for a solution for troublesome areas in your yard. Some types have small flowers, but the real show is the intricate shapes and varieties of this plant.Varieties to try: Sunsparkler Dazzleberry, Rock ‘N Grow Boogie Woogie

 – When grown in the wild, this drought-tolerant annual crops up in sandy or limestone soils in dry grasslands. That’s why it’s great for similar conditions in your own backyard. Vinca, also called periwinkle, comes in a multitude of colors from pink and salmon to white and purple and every shade in between.Varieties to try: Tattoo Raspberry, Cora Apricot

– When it comes to hardiness, these purple stalks are fierce! They need full sunlight to bloom best. Plant these perennials in cottage garden borders or as accents in beds. Butterflies love them!Varieties to try: Floristan Violet, Blazing Star

 – Native to tropical environments, this flower prefers full sun and moist, but well-drained soil. Lantana is an annual that’s tough and very forgiving and will tolerate both drought and blazing temperatures. Plus, pollinators love it!Varieties to try: Hotblooded, Royale Cosmo


Blanket Flower

  – These gorgeous annuals, also called gaillardia, pop in brilliant shades of hot pink, coral, yellow, and orange. Add them to a sunny border, or let them stand out in pots and containers.Varieties to try: Punchbowl, Heat It Up Scarlet


 – Want to add pops of saturated color to your garden this summer? You can’t go wrong with these beauties since they thrive in the sunniest locations. They are extremely easy to grow and will attract bees and butterflies.Varieties to try: Envy, Dancing Girls

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