
Izami Florist/ Bloemiste

Mothers Day Roses - 600 x 398

10 Most Popular Mother’s Day Flowers

Mother’s Day is a time to honor someone who is and has been one of the most important people in your life. For all the time, care, and nurturing she’s given you throughout the years, she deserves a gift that will brighten her special day and create a happy memory.

Here are 10 of the flowers mothers love most by Izami Florist.

1. Carnations

Mothers Day Carnations

Carnations have long been the official flower of Mother’s Day. Traditionally, a mother whose own mother is still living gets a red or pink carnation.

If her mother has passed on, your mother gets a white carnation. By giving her a carnation, you may bring back pleasant memories of her childhood.

2. Daisies

Mothers Day Daisies

Daisies represent sweetness and innocence. Choose daisies for a mother who is lighthearted, friendly, and uncomplicated.

Get white daisies or select a colorful bouquet to bring a happy note to her day. You’ll show you love her for the beautiful woman she is.

3. Roses

Mothers Day Roses

What woman doesn’t love roses? Red roses are typically the symbol of romantic love, so consider choosing another color for your mother. Yellow roses or orange rambler roses express your feelings of gratitude and joy in having her as your mother.

4. Lisianthus

Mothers Day Lisianthus

Lisanthus is the perfect tribute for a mother who admires flowers that look delicate, elegant, and fascinating. Lisianthus flowers come in a variety of single colors, multi-colored, or in mixed bouquets.

5. Lilies

Mothers Day Lilies

Lilies have a distinctive shape with long petals and high stamens. The color variety is almost endless.

From a simple white lily to an orange tiger lily to a bouquet of multicolored calla lilies, the flowers you choose will bring your mother happiness.

6. Anthurium

Mothers Day Anthurium

The anthurium is a beautiful flower with waxy leaves and petals. You can get your mother an anthurium potted plant that she can appreciate now and treasure for months or years to come.

7. Orchids

Mothers Day Orchids

Orchids are the ideal choice for a mother with exotic tastes. A double-stemmed orchid is a truly unique flower that will look just right in a beautifully decorated home.

8. Tulips

Mothers Day Tulips

Show your mother how much you cherish her with a bouquet of tulips in all the colors of the rainbow. They have a fresh, light scent and last longer than many other flowers.

9.  Hydrangeas

Mothers Day Hydrangeas

For a mother who has given you abundant love and support, choose the full, lush flowers of the hydrangea plant. Blue hydrangeas are very common and easy to find.

Or, you can give her something more unusual, like hot pink or variegated hydrangea.

10. Gladiolus

Mothers Day Gladiolus

Magnificent gladiolus flowers symbolize faithfulness, honor, and strength of character. If this is how you see your mother, a gladiolus bouquet is just right to express your admiration. The blooms are situated vertically on a long stalk, making this flower especially eye-catching.

Whatever flowers you send to your mother, add a written message with a few words to tell her what she means to you. After all, there never has been and never will be again anyone else like your amazing, loving mother! Send flowers and gifts this Mothers day with Izami Florist.

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