Flowers are a classic Mother’s Day gift; a beautiful bouquet never fails to bring joy and love to this special occasion and this bouquet has it all. It contains a bunch of beautiful bright red roses to make your mother feel special. With that this hamper includes Elizabeth Arden Red Door which is a spicy , crisp , feminine , elegant , flower fragrance which includes red roses, jasmine , lilly , carnation , freesia , sandalwood and honey. We pair that bouquet and fragrance with classic Lindt heart shaped milk chocolate to complete the gift hamper.
P:S : We do same day delivery in and around Bloemfontein and South Africa.
Vilene Geldenhuys –
The staff was very friendly and made time to send me a picture of the flowers before it went out. I will definitely order from you again.
Charlene Mayers –
Awesome arrangement. Thanks so much
Vicky Thorpe –
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you
Marc Lusthaus –
Only good things to say about Izami Florist. The website was easy to use. The staff is super helpful & knowledgeable. And the products (flowers, etc) look just like the pictures on the website.
Zaida Salie –
2nd time I’ve ordered flowers for my Mom and I’ll continue to be a customer. Service is really great and flowers are super fresh and beautiful. Thank you so much!
Shannon Black –
Crate of Goodness
Vanessa Crouse –
Thanks team Fabulous! You make gifting so effortless with these hampers.
Mrs. Melanie Etherington –
The day after three back to back massive hurricanes where I live in Antigua (Caribbean) I needed to send an urgent Birthday bouquet of flowers to my precious step-mum in Bergvliet, searched on line, finally chose Izami Florist – and was not disappointed! She received them less than 24 hours of my ordering, took pix every which way, and they perfectly matched the picture advertised on the website….10 days later and she tells me that roses are still newly blooming….clearly the above is probably the highest recommendation anyone would give, especially from 10,000 miles away!! Well done…..and thank you! Melanie
Patricia carla Branch –
Amazing service!! Flowers looked exactly like the image online. Same day delivery was on time!!!!